Tooth Extraction Dublin


If you need a tooth removed one of our highly skilled dentists will take a history of your dental and medical health followed by a comprehensive extraoral and intraoral dental examination. Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre are experts in providing our patients with pain-free dental extractions. If you have a phobia of the dentist we provide dental conscious sedation for nervous adult or child patients. Your best dentist for tooth extractions in Dublin.


Dental extractions are necessary for a number of reasons including if your tooth is beyond restoration with a filling or a crown. If your tooth needs an extraction your dentist will talk you through the next steps. Your dentist may need to take a small x-ray (radiograph) of the tooth and it’s surrounding bone. This helps inform the dentist of the tooth’s full structure below the gum level and allows for a better prediction of the complexity of a tooth extraction. To ensure your comfort your highly skilled dentist in Smile Hub will administer local anaesthetic. A special numbing gel is initially placed around the gum. This gel freezes your gum in the injection site. A carefully measured injection is then administered. You may then feel ‘pins and needles’ as the anaesthetic takes effect. Your dentist will undertake a number of checks to ensure that you’re comfortably numb and only then when your dentist is satisfied that you’re completely numb will your tooth be removed pain-free. Occasionally a stitch may be required to help aid healing of the extraction socket.


After your extraction you will be given verbal and written advice on how to minimise discomfort once the local anaesthetic has worn off. A soft diet is recommended. Warm salty mouth rinses advised 3-4 times a day following meals 24 hours after your extraction. If bleeding occurs please bite on a handkerchief or small gauze pad for 20-25 minutes. Minor oozing of blood from the extraction socket is normal for up to 24 hours post-extraction. You should expect some swelling for up to 10 days following a dental extraction. Continue to brush your remaining teeth as normal but take care to avoid disturbing the healing socket. It is inadvisable to smoke within 24 hours of your extraction to reduce the risk of an infection or severe pain. You should expect some minor discomfort following an extraction. Your dentist will advise over-the-counter pain relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get a strong anaesthetic before my dental extraction?

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, we administer strong local anaesthetic before your tooth is removed to ensure the pain-free extraction of your unsaveable tooth. Firstly, a topical gel anaesthetic is placed on your gum. This gel numbs the site of the injection. A carefully measured injection is then administered. You will feel ‘pins and needles’ as the anaesthetic takes it’s effect.


At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Dublin 13 all our dentists undertake a number of checks to ensure that you’re completely numb before undertaking the extraction. Once you’re fully numb your dentist will proceed to remove your tooth through gently easing the tooth from it’s socket. Sometimes a stitch/suture will be placed to protect the socket while it heals.


At Smile Hub Dental Clinic every patient is given written advice on how to manage your socket and reduce discomfort. Sometimes “dry socket” can occur in patients where the clot breaks down. Dry Socket is common in patients who had a severe dental infection and following difficult extractions. At Smile Hub Dental Clinic our dental experts can place pain-relieving dressings in extraction sites that continue to cause discomfort.


What is a surgical extraction?

Whenever a tooth is badly broken down a simple routine dental extraction may not be possible. The remaining tooth structure can sometimes cause discomfort. Surgical extractions follow the same steps as a regular extraction however a small amount of supporting bone may be removed. The placement of a suture/stitch may be necessary.

What post-extraction advice will I need to follow after having my tooth out?

  • Keep your diet soft and try to avoid food getting trapped in the extraction socket. Try to avoid alcohol and hot drinks following the extraction especially when the area is still numb following the local anaesthetic.
  • Do Not repeatedly rinse your mouth after a dental extraction as this may dislodge the blood clot and slow down your healing or increase the risk of bleeding restarting. 24 hours following your dental extraction rinse your mouth with warm salty water (a half teaspoon of salty in a warm glass of water). Repeat this 3-4 days following meals until the socket is healed.
  • Continue to brush your teeth as normal but take extra care around the socket not to disturb healing.
  • If bleeding occurs after leaving Smile Hub Dental Clinic please roll a handkerchief/gauze/tissue into a small pad (about the thickness of your finger) and place it over the bleeding socket. Bite down on the gauze for 20-25 minutes. If after 25 minutes of biting hard on gauze/handkerchief then contact your dentist immediately. Minor oozing of blood from an extraction socket is normal for up to 24 hours after having a tooth removed.
  • There will be a degree of swelling after the extraction. This can take 10 days to resolve.
  • It is best not to smoke for 24 hours following a dental extraction. Cigarette smoke may delay the extraction site healing. Infection or severe pain may occur for 1-4 days following the extraction.
  • There will be some minor discomfort following a dental extraction. Your dentist at Smile Hub Dental Clinic will discuss suitable pain relief medications.
  • If you require stitches/sutures do not touch or pull them. Most stitches dissolve by themselves however some stitches require you to attend your dentist to have them removed. Please follow the advice of your dentist.
  • Most patients will be numb for at least 4 hours following a dental extraction. Please be careful not to bite your lip or cheek during this time period. Please take care not to drink hot drinks as you will not realise the effect until after the local anaesthetic has worn off.

What are the symptoms of an infected, decayed or painful impacted wisdom tooth?

  • Aching at the back of the mouth
  • Swollen gum
  • Difficulty eating
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, we educate patients that when a wisdom tooth is impacted and tries to erupt into the mouth, the flap of the gum on top of it may become infected and swollen. This can lead to severe discomfort in your face, cheek or jaw. This condition can result in an infection known as pericoronitis, which if left untreated, can often require a hospital stay and surgery. Wisdom teeth are thought to cause front teeth crowding although research is lacking in this area.

What are the symptoms of an infected, decayed or painful impacted wisdom tooth?

  • Aching at the back of the mouth
  • Swollen gum
  • Difficulty eating
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic, we educate patients that when a wisdom tooth is impacted and tries to erupt into the mouth, the flap of the gum on top of it may become infected and swollen. This can lead to severe discomfort in your face, cheek or jaw. This condition can result in an infection known as pericoronitis, which if left untreated, can often require a hospital stay and surgery. Wisdom teeth are thought to cause front teeth crowding although research is lacking in this area

Why should I have my wisdom teeth removed in Smile Hub Dental Clinic?

An impacted wisdom tooth can become cavitated, rotten and potentially push against the neighbouring molar, leading to tooth movement, decay and gum disease. Wisdom teeth may cause your gums to feel tender and can make eating difficult. Wisdom teeth can cause your gum and jaw to swell. The glands underneath your jawline may become swollen and tender. Wisdom teeth pain can cause patients to become unable to eat, speak and sleep requiring painkillers.

To find out the best possible treatment for you, we recommend making an urgent appointment with your experienced dentist at Smile Hub Dental Clinic who will be happy to advise you on the best course of action to eliminate your wisdom tooth pain.


You can rest assured that you will be guided throughout your entire treatment by our highly skilled dental team at Smile Hub Dental Clinic. Our dental experts are more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about your wisdom teeth treatment with us.


In some cases, your dental extraction treatment may be partially or fully covered by insurance and our treatment co-ordinators can help assist you in filling out any forms to claim towards treatment costs. This means that you will not require a referral or be placed on a lengthily waiting list to get your treatment performed.

Is dental conscious sedation available in Smile Hub Dental Clinic when I have my impacted wisdom teeth extracted?

At Smile Hub Dental Clinic in Bayside Medical Centre we’re experts in providing conscious dental sedation to nervous patients for all routine and difficult surgical dental extractions. We provide inhalation and intravenous sedation routinely for our nervous and dental phobic patients. During the removal of wisdom teeth we provide local anaesthetic and intravenous dental sedation to nervous patients at Smile Hub Dental Clinic. Your treating dentist can discuss your ideal sedation options based on your medical history and personal preference. Once you have been sedated, you will feel little to no discomfort during your comfortable and stress-free dental extraction. Some discomfort may occur in the days following your treatment as the gum begins to heal. Your dentist in Smile Hub Dental Clinic will advise you on which painkillers are most appropriate to help alleviate any discomfort.

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    01 5253888

    Mon – Sun : 7.30am-10pm

    Open 7 Days a week Open 365 Days a Year Open on Weekends

    Smilehub Dental Clinic, Bayside Medical Centre, Bayside Shopping Centre, Sutton, Dublin 13